December 5, 2017 (Long Overdue) Update
Hello Horticulture Folks, sorry for the late inconsistency with getting this blog up to date. I (Joshua Nguyen) have been caught with studying for finals, the actual finals, and other personal matters (family time, dentist appointments, etc.).
HOWEVER! No need to fear, as the social media manager/secretary is back here..... with updates of course😉
Anyways, this meeting was a pretty big meeting focused on the main framework for the next chapter of the SJDC Hort. Club.
Meeting Called to Order at 2:43 p.m.
Additions/ Amendments that can be made for future sales/events:
-have a pre-order sales event in the quad/ main campus prior to plant sales and provide a delivery date
-possibly pick a more busier date
-events may be decided upon the majority of the members, and not just based upon the availability of the adviser
-attendance needs to be addressed -especially for officers-
-some members did not appear at the time they agreed on with other cooperating members, this is a serious event, not just a go-and do as pleased type of ordeal.
Club Expense Reminders:
A Slip is required from a box brand (Dollar Tree, Home Depot, Hobby Lobby, etc.) when there is a supply run.
A list of supplies needed must be sent along with the supply runner(s).
Formal Meeting Now Required and Club Communication Concerns
-Due to the trouble of a mixed lot of information going upon the formal meetings; people become lost in the information and confused with what to do. This may lead to a required formal meeting attendance to keep information stellar.
--Also as a secondary result; a chat system may not be made for the club as an official way for communicating- due to the feedback from various members of a huge concern of the current group chat annoying members with an explosion of notifications and the trouble of keeping up with the unread messages and current topics happening within the group chat.
HOWEVER! No need to fear, as the social media manager/secretary is back here..... with updates of course😉
Anyways, this meeting was a pretty big meeting focused on the main framework for the next chapter of the SJDC Hort. Club.
Meeting Called to Order at 2:43 p.m.
Older Business
Plant Sale/ Club Expense Related Matters
-Congratulations on the good work that everyone has done during the December 1, 2017 Holiday Horticulture Sale; We have made it to $60 above ground (basically the amount made after taking Petty Cash and Loaned Change Money into account), which puts off in a good start!Additions/ Amendments that can be made for future sales/events:
-have a pre-order sales event in the quad/ main campus prior to plant sales and provide a delivery date
-possibly pick a more busier date
-events may be decided upon the majority of the members, and not just based upon the availability of the adviser
-attendance needs to be addressed -especially for officers-
-some members did not appear at the time they agreed on with other cooperating members, this is a serious event, not just a go-and do as pleased type of ordeal.
Club Expense Reminders:
A Slip is required from a box brand (Dollar Tree, Home Depot, Hobby Lobby, etc.) when there is a supply run.
A list of supplies needed must be sent along with the supply runner(s).
Improvements for Future Meetings
Formal Meeting Now Required and Club Communication Concerns-Due to the trouble of a mixed lot of information going upon the formal meetings; people become lost in the information and confused with what to do. This may lead to a required formal meeting attendance to keep information stellar.
--Also as a secondary result; a chat system may not be made for the club as an official way for communicating- due to the feedback from various members of a huge concern of the current group chat annoying members with an explosion of notifications and the trouble of keeping up with the unread messages and current topics happening within the group chat.
😊If there are any concerns or ideas that members may want to address, we (as the officers of the club) advise to contact any officer within the club😊
-The future meetings may not be as lenient with attendance, as waiting for people to appear has resulted in time loss. As a result meetings may start at the listed time; any members that feel they may have missed vital information may happily ask another member that has attended or an available officer.
Work Meeting Amendments
-for future work/ hands-on meetings; group members may be sorted out into groups that fit their preference the most to reach a goal line for each meeting.
(Posters for the Dec. 1 2017 Plant Sale didn't get finished due to bad time management and group organization)
-in the beginning of possible events, goal lines for the current event to be set.
New Business
😄Possible Ideas for Future Clubbing Events/ Sales😄
It's suspected that Holiday Sales will be the main window when the club can make sales in the form of fundraising, because people tend to buy a lot of things related to the current hobby.
-Rosemary Christmas Trees for example
Workshops can be held to teach and inform the public and community the benefits of adopting common practices in Horticulture - May require a cost to attend based on the situation/presentation
IE: Wreathe Workshop - Aimed For Kids; we provide materials, and teach how to make wreathes
-Individual Wreathes cost more/less depending on the size
-Hourly Sitting Fee ($1 for kids, $1.50 for Adults)
IE: Informing Presentations
-"Composting 101"
-"Propagation 101"
-"Plant Pests"
-"Weird/ Unique Plants" (Orchids, Carnivorous Plants, etc.)
Novelty Items
-SJDC Horticulture Club Shirts
-Acorn Pendents
Fee Update
Joining Fee is now $10.00. The $20.00 "certification fee" (for people who won't attend much/ do much, but want club recognition) is now void.
Additions to the Club Constitution
-Formal Meetings will start at the listed time, regardless of members that may be late and may be required. If a members feels they can't make it, prior notice is needed.
-There is a ladder system that is implemented in the case that the president is absent.
- President
--Vice President
-----ICC Representative
The treasurer is also required to hold receipts as an added duty, and can now be substituted by another officer in the case of absence.
-People should stay to help clean up, at least their own projects before leaving. Members should also notify an officer before leaving any meeting.
Overall, that was the information that was provided during December 5, 2017.
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