
Showing posts from December, 2017

December 5, 2017 (Long Overdue) Update

Hello Horticulture Folks, sorry for the late inconsistency with getting this blog up to date. I (Joshua Nguyen) have been caught with studying for finals, the actual finals, and other personal matters (family time, dentist appointments, etc.). HOWEVER! No need to fear, as the social media manager/secretary is back here..... with updates of course😉 Anyways, this meeting was a pretty big meeting focused on the main framework for the next chapter of the SJDC Hort. Club. Meeting Called to Order at 2:43 p.m. Older Business  Plant Sale/ Club Expense Related Matters -Congratulations on the good work that everyone has done during the December 1, 2017 Holiday Horticulture Sale; We have made it to $60 above ground (basically the amount made after taking Petty Cash and Loaned Change Money into account), which puts off in a good start! Additions/ Amendments that can be made for future sales/events: -have a pre-order sales event in the quad/ main campus prior to plant sales and pr...


Hello Hort club, if you can; all of us would love you to come for important news and updates regarding the club and the next generation for it! See you there!😁

Updates for Missed Meetings, Nov. 21 and 28

If you didn't attend the work meetings for November 21 and November 28, both of which started at 2:30 and ended at 5:00; we worked on prepping and creating cool crafts, like wreathes and posters for the plant sale that took place on December 1. Thanks to the hard work from Horticulture Club members and students of Greenhouse/ Production; we were able to sell a ton of wreathes and made a good fundraiser! Following Pictures were Taken from November 28😄