November 7, 2017 Meeting Follow-Up

This is an update post to help those that weren't able to attend the first meeting as well as get priorities and current motives straightened. These type of posts will be labeled with "catchup" so if you are lost with what to do, just click on the tab and go to Labels and click on "catchup":)

[Note from Adviser] Communication must be kept professional. Any personal feelings and beliefs must be held with an open mind, not everyone agrees and lives with one another. Find the most efficient way to communicate with others.

[Agenda for the Day] -Lying down of the constitution and its requirements for the club positions and responsibilities
-Elect presidents through democratic selection

[Contitution Proposals (Informal)]
  1. "SJDC Horticulture Club"
  2. Become interactive with the surrounding community and college campus through beautification projects (mainly starting with the Shima lot)
  3. Membership Dues: $10.00 for members that are very interactive and participate in as many meetings as possible; $20.00 for come-and-go members as "authentication" of club participation.
  4. President: Miles(also meeting facilitator); Vice-President: Kim; ICC Representative: "Morbin"; Secretary: Josh(also social media manager)
  5. Terms of Sabbatical(Leave): Up to two months of absence from meetings for members AND officers (without prior notice and communication) -If the president were to leave for X reason, their duty may be split upon the officers- Conditons/Requirements to Join Club: 1."Must be a current collegian of San Joaquin Delta College" 2."Must speak/act/listen in equal terms(regardless of club postition/age/race/sex/sexual orientation/etc.) 
  6. Meeting times to be discussed and set at the start of each semester, Club is only active when SJDC is active or not on break(the club will not be effective during Thanksgiving break or Xmas Break or etc.), No community structure is instructed at current time, At least two meetings are required for attendance of the 1 formal meeting(the first meeting of each month) and 3 informal(any other meetings in the month) meetings. A pair of the 4 IS accepted (ie:1 formal and 1 informal OR 2 informal meetings attended) -You don't have to attend all meetings to be kept in the club as an active member-
  7. Funds: Ask for sponsorship in association with local nurseries/ In the case of a club dissolving, members will get a portion of their dues back UP TO the original cost of their dues/ Money must be held for 24 hours by the secretary before being allowed to be spent.
  8. President: Adjourn meetings/ Call for order/ Confirms a decision based off the majority of the members' decisions/ Issues disciplinary measures Vice-President: Creates Agendas/ Covers in absence of the president/ In charge of roll call and attendance Treasurer: Records finances/ Collects dues/ In charge of selling shirts and misc. Secretary: Keeps track of records/ Organizes records ICC Representative: Require to be at club rush table for at least 1 hour/ Recruits Members/ Coordinates club functions/ follows up, edits club rules, act as the club's voice during ICC Rep. meetings (the first and third of every month, from 1:20pm to 3:30pm) [Minimum People Required for Club Meeting Activation: Formal, At least half of the officers and 1 member; Informal: At least a few(1-3) officers and a handful of members]
  9. Modes of Discipline: First Offence-Verbal warning issued from the president, Second Offence-Suspension from the Club, Third Offence-Issue of resignation from the club
Idea Proposed by Cynthia: Wreathes created to benefit club funds, prior to and to be sold during the Poinsettia Sale (Friday, December 1, 2017)
Foliage can be collected from Campus Folia/Plant Life

-November 28, 2017- Beautify Shima Lot

Idea Proposed by Sarah: Poinsettia addition presented in the middle of quad to present plants for sale and assign tour guides to guide people to the green house(where more plants will be sold) and garden.


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