
Showing posts from November, 2017

Up-Coming Meeting: November 28, 2017

Hey Hort People! It's Rush Week; so be prepared to hustle, grind, and most importantly, work together to create beautiful posters and wreathes to help spread the word about Horticulture Club and the nursery to more SJDC collegians. See you there!💮😀😁😄

Up-Coming Meeting: November 21, 2017

Hello Hort People, tomorrow we are holding the third official meeting. Join us for some festive holiday themed poster making and wonderful wreathe weaving! See you there!

November 14, 2017 Meeting Follow-Up

Thanks to the hard work of our dedicated club members, we got a lot of progress in! Keep up he awesome work! Pre-Meeting All officers were enabled the ability to control and edit Delta OrgZync; allowing the club base page to be updated with current events as well as upcoming ones. Along with this, Hort Club members worked with adviser, Tina Candelo-Mize to confirm a paired fundraising with the poinsettia sale during December 1, 2017 at 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm. The location is set to be outside of Danner Hall which will feature one group of students selling poinsettias and Hort Club items and a guide(or two) to help students find the nursery and greenhouse. Due to a request to have the fundraiser advised, Tina will travel back and forth to check on the nursery, greenhouse, and the Danner Hall group. Meeting The meeting was called to order at 2:41 pm. The main topics of today were mainly based on logos for the club and t-shirts with designs from  Kim and Ian. It was set...

Upcoming Meeting - November 14, 2017

Hey Hort People this is a meeting post, posts like these will be labeled under "meetings". As a heads up, we plan to create posters and signs to deploy and post around the SJDC in preparation for the upcoming plant sale on December 1, 2017. Signs will also be made to help guide people to and make the nursery more prevalent to the sights of by-passers and students alike. Make sure to bring some supplies and your creativity; a little sparkle doesn't hurt either. Just don't bring pollen, we don't need sneezing, wheezing tinkerers everywhere 😁 See you there! If you have any questions, feel free to contact  us  or comment below.

November 7, 2017 Meeting Follow-Up

This is an update post to help those that weren't able to attend the first meeting as well as get priorities and current motives straightened. These type of posts will be labeled with "catchup" so if you are lost with what to do, just click on the tab and go to Labels and click on "catchup":) [Note from Adviser] Communication must be kept professional. Any personal feelings and beliefs must be held with an open mind, not everyone agrees and lives with one another. Find the most efficient way to communicate with others. [Agenda for the Day]  -Lying down of the constitution and its requirements for the club positions and responsibilities -Elect presidents through democratic selection [Contitution Proposals (Informal)] "SJDC Horticulture Club" Become interactive with the surrounding community and college campus through beautification projects (mainly starting with the Shima lot) Membership Dues: $10.00 for members that are ver...

Welcome to San Joaquin Delta College's Horticulture Club Blog!

Hey fellow SJDC collegians, it's the SJDC Horticulture Club Secretary, Josh Nguyen here! Welcome to our official blog spot, where anyone can search look at any incoming events and information regarding meetings in case you were curious or missed any. If you have any questions feel free to contact us  here . Let's throw our cotyledons out and root in SJDC soil!